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nappies donated in 2025 of 1,000,000 goal

In 2025, Rascals is pledging to donate a total of 1 million nappies globally.

Giving back to the community is so important to our team. We know that now more than ever, families around the world could really use a helping hand. Which is why we are excited to share that Rascals is pledging to donate 1,000,000 nappies to charities all around the world in 2025.

Nappy need affects families all around the world.

1 in 2 families in the US struggle to provide enough nappies for their little one.

We believe no one should have to chose between essentials, which is why we are pledging to donate 1,000,000 nappies to charities all around the world in 2025.

Help Rascals donate 1 million nappies in 2025

Join us by nominating deserving charities, and check back to see how close we're getting to our 1,000,000 goal

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Charity Name*
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nappy donations will be distributed to charities and initiatives worldwide, totaling 1,000,000 individual diapers in 2025. Donations are solely for charitable causes, with no conditions or business-related expectations. Nominations are open to all Rascals countries globally, subject to availability and local regulations.